Kid's Life Vest are they all Coast Guard Approved?
Kids Life Jackets CGA
The question is there a non-coast guard approved life vest for kids was asked so we ran through our supplier list looking for comp vests in youth sizes. The best option for a youth life vest as a comp vest it to get a unisex vest in a smaller size. Most of the manufacturers do not produce a Non-Coast Guard Approved Vest. This is probably because kids 13 and under are required to wear a CGA vest on the vessel and most parents want the reassurance that the vest will float properly. The comp vests do not provide the proper flotation for younger kids who may not be able to swim well.
We suggest buying coast guard approved life vests for kid's and making sure they fit snug. Most of the life vests for kids go by weight ranges. There are usually the toddler vests 0-25 pounds, then the youth small 30-50 pounds, youth large 50-75 pounds, and last teen vests 75-125 pounds. Some of these life jackets will last a year or two and then you will have to replace. Make sure you always have the right number of vests for both adults and kids on your vessel. A kids vest will not count for adults and same goes for the adults not counting for kids.
If you have more questions or input on life vests and jackets reach out to use for help. Check out our selection of kids and adult vests at 88 Gear
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