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Shop 2017 wakeboards online

Wakeboards and What Changed

Wakeboard Changes

Look for this year to be another innovative year as the wakeboard manufacturers keep looking for ways to improve their products and innovate to draw new consumers into the sport.  One of the biggest trends that we have seen is the change in Wakeboard Bindings.    Hyperlite and their System boots and bindings have changed the way we looked at the typical wakeboard bindings.  Ronix and their heat molded bindings have people riding longer and more comfortably.  So what can we expect in 2017?   Smaller bindings footprints by Liquid Force with the 4D Bindings.  Maybe a new way to attach your bindings by Slingshot.  Oh yeah, and the big news a new way to wakeboard by Slingshot with their Wake Foil. - Now you can surf or wakeboard if the water is choppy.  More cable boards, more innovation, more ways to get on the water and enjoy summer.

Look for 2017 items to start showing up in October and November of 2016

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