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Ronix wakeboard rocker defined

Wakeboard Rocker Defined

What is the Rocker on Boards and What Does it Do?

Every wakeboarder has its own unique riding style.  We always suggest riding a wakeboard that feels natural but don't be afraid to try a new one as boards always progress.  It's why we all ride to progress and try something new right?  Some of the more experienced vets can tell the difference in boards within seconds, and others may tell you they all ride the same. All boards will have a different feel based on the edges, width, material, and rocker.  You may have to try a couple of styles to find the right fit, but once you do it will help you excel your riding.  For those that would like to know a little more, we shared Ronix's Rocker charts.


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Rocker Guide

chamber rocker image

late rocker

What wakeboards have the above Rockers?

Check out the chart below

Ronix wakeboards rocker chart

We hope these illustrations helped provide a better understanding of what the rocker on wakeboards does. You can see all the latest Ronix wake gear and boards at 88 Gear 

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