Slingshot Mothership Wakesurf Board 2021

Regular price
$ 771.10
Sale price
$ 429.00
Quantity must be 1 or more

This single fin sled is built for kicking back and focusing on smooth, fluid turns from rail to rail. With a pin tail and surplus of deck space in the front, consider it an open invitation to explore the front half of the board and even wrap a couple of toes around the nose! The added surface area of the MOTHERSHIP makes dropping deep into the back of the wave a breeze, giving you more space to express yourself in classic longboard fashion! If you’ve never surfed a single fin, prepare for a whole new outlook on the beauty of surfing’s simplest maneuvers.

Let the challenge to hang 5 begin! The Mothership makes the simple things more enjoyable and automatically grants you additional style points. Kick back, relax, and enjoy your smoothest turns to date!


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